explorASIAN Festival Blog

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

NEW: BCGEU Celebrates Asian Heritage Month - May 8

ASIAN HERITAGE MONTH - Potluck Dinner & Movie Night!

Asian Canadian Labour Alliance
Thursday, May 8, 5:30pm
BCGEU Lower Mainland Auditorium

Join other Asian Canadian union members at a meeting of the Asian Canadian Labour Alliance, before the film viewing. The Asian Canadian Labour Alliance provides a forum for Asian Canadian union members to connect, encourages the increased participation of Asian Canadian union members in the labour movement, and works to strengthen the relationship between labour and our Asian Canadian communities.

Share ideas and your favourite potluck dish at this meeting. Please RSVP to Laura Gibbons at 604-291-9611 or by May 6.

Thursday, May 8, 7-8:30pm
BCGEU Lower Mainland Auditorium
4925 Canada Way, Burnaby
(1/2 block west of Norland, enter off Iris Crescent)

In celebration of Asian Heritage Month, the BCGEU Equity + Human Rights Committee is pleased to invite you to a night of film. Light refreshments provided.

"Between: Living in the Hyphen"
A film by Anne Marie Nakagawa that looks at seven different multi-racial Canadians including award-winning poet Fred Wah, and gives voice to their "hybridized" experiences. The film challenges our assumptions about the "one ethnicity + hyphen + Canadian."

More information on the Asian Canadian Labour Alliance can be found at: