explorASIAN Festival Blog

Saturday, May 10, 2008

NEW: Studio One Book Club: Padma Viswanathan - May 17 & 24

Saturday, May 17 & 24, 2008 | 8:00 - 9:00 a.m.

North by Northwest
CBC Radio One 690 AM

Listen to the CBC Radio Studio One Book Club to hear this year's New Face of Fiction, Padma Viswanathan and her riveting debut novel The Toss of a Lemon. Hosted by Sheryl MacKay and special guest co-host Jen Sookfong Lee (last year's New Face of Fiction).

Part one will be broadcast on CBC Radio's North by Northwest (690 on the AM dial in Vancouver) Saturday May 17 between 8:00 and 9:00 a.m.

Part two will be broadcast on Saturday May 24, same place, same time.

Tune in to win a copy too! Visit CBC Studio One Book Club for more information.


Saturday May 10, 2008 | 1:00 to 4:00 p.m. to May 16

Dr. Sun-Yat Sen Classical Chinese Garden
578 Carrall Street, Vancouver - in Chinatown

The Dr. Sun-Yat Sen Classical Chinese Garden will kick off its 2008 Penjing Festival on Saturday May 10. The festival will run everyday from May 9 to 16.

Come out and see the Penjing (translates from Chinese as "tray scenery"). Penjing is the ancient Chinese art of growing trees and plants, kept small by skilled pruning and formed to create an aesthetic shape and the complex illusion of age. Penjing is very similar to and is the precursor of bonsai. Various Penjing, new and old, at the festival will move you with their beauty. Also on display will be examples of Rock Penjing.

NEW: I am the Canadian Delegate - May 19 - 7:15pm

I am the Canadian Delegate
Duration: 48:00 – Director - Wesley Lowe
Canada 2007. Director: Wesley Lowe.

Pacific Cinémathèque
1131 Howe Street, Vancouver

Wesley Lowe’s inspiring documentary tells the story of B.C.’s Douglas Jung (1924-2002), a World War II veteran who was Canada’s first Chinese Canadian Member of Parliament. Jung’s story embodies the struggles (and victories) of many early Chinese Canadians. Born and raised in Victoria at a time when ethnic Chinese were denied the rights of full citizenship, Jung nonetheless volunteered to fight for his country. The wartime service of Jung and others like him saw Chinese Canadians finally gain equal rights, including the vote, in 1947, opening the door for Jung’s groundbreaking political career. 48 mins.

For more information, visit: